
Why Hankook Research is so special?

Retail Marketing Research

Hankook Research retains research modules for channel and distribution marketing strategy.

Category Management
Category Management

Research for sales increase in retail outlets

We diagnose the product performance at retail outlets such as hypermarkets, supermarkets and consumer electronics stores, and propose strategies to improve the performance.

We utilizes the know-how of Envirosell, a global shopper research institute, to provide professional research results for promoting its sales in the retail environment.

B2B 패널조사
B2B Panel

Channel-by-channel performance measurement in on-premise market

We measure the handling rate and sales performance of beverage, liquor and food supplies distributed in various markets such as restaurants, beer shops, bars / cafes, movie theaters, hotels, etc.

Hankook Research uses B2B panel to systematically investigate the on-premise market that is the low accessible market.

Store Design Research
Store Design Research

Research for improving sales and customer experience

It is a research that diagnoses retail shops and derives tasks to improve their performance based on observation and understanding of shoppers using the stores.

We collaborate with experts from Global Network of Envirosell to suggest ways to improve store layout based on customer experience.


Neuroscience research such as Eye Tracker, Face Reader and Beacon

You can more accurately understand customer behaviors by measuring consumer responses with specialized devices such as eye tracking and facial recognition.

Hankook Research has been providing Neuro-Marketing Research Service since 2008.

Store Clinic
Store Clinic

Store consulting by global shopping professionals

We work with Paco Underhill, a global shopping researcher, to advise on how to improve retail outlets from a global perspective.

Hankook Research has licensed Envirosell in Korea.

상권 분석
Business District

Research for supporting distributors' new store openings

When a store opens in a new area, we provide professional solutions through research to establish a store opening strategy.

Hankook Research conducts business district analysis with various retailers.

Professional: Retail Marketing Research
Hankook Research retains research modules for channel and distribution marketing strategy.